Gearing up for the release of CALLED last summer, I put together this playlist of songs that spoke to the world of the story, my feelings about writing my first novel, and the excitement leading up to its release.
When Clementine Jones discovers a message from her long-lost father, her world turns upside down. CALLED narrates her journey to understand the truth about who she is and what she must to, all without drawing notice of the oppressive Conglomerate Government of Souvern Novarica, Incorporated.
You can read the first two chapters here on Substack right now:
This is a selection from my Playlists newsletter where I publish playlists of songs that have come my way, served to inspire me, or are just a darn good bop. If you subscribe to the World According to Gillian Fletcher, you’ll receive every one of the post in my Expat Files, but if you’re interested there’s more:
My Fiction newsletter will include flash fiction, more chapters from CALLED and anything that’s too far from the truth to be considered anecdotal
My Odds & Ends newsletter is where I’ll put the things that don’t fit into any of the above but struck me as something about which to write
If you create a free Substack account, you’ll be able to subscribe to all of my different content feeds in addition to latest from the Expat Files (see here for help). If you go one step further and join me on the Substack app, you’ll see notes and fun things like cat pictures pop up!
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Great playlist!
Another great playlist!
Tell me where and when I can buy the book and it's a done deal.
But what if I want a signed copy?!