While William and I were preparing to leave the US, I found myself in a strange situation where I’d ported my phone number to Google Voice and forgoing my phone working like one…which was only a moderate inconvenience since I generally only text and that worked just fine.
But I still had a car and I like to be the DJ when behind the wheel. Rather than the random shuffle I usually played when I had unlimited data, I put together a little playlist for myself and listened rather frequently but I wasn’t planning to share music on this account…or was I?
This is a selection from my Playlists newsletter where I publish playlists of songs that have come my way, served to inspire me, or are just a darn good bop. If you subscribe to the World According to Gillian Fletcher, you’ll receive every one of the post in my Expat Files, but if you’re interested there’s more:
My Fiction newsletter will include flash fiction, chapters from my published books and anything that’s too far from the truth to be considered anecdotal
My Odds & Ends newsletter is where I’ll put the things that don’t fit into any of the above but struck me as something about which to write
If you create a free Substack account, you’ll be able to subscribe to all of my different content feeds in addition to latest from the Expat Files (see here for help). If you go one step further and join me on the Substack app, you’ll see notes and fun things like cat pictures pop up!