Before I started writing novels and well-before I started writing on Substack, I ran a little personal music blog. Each month, I would put together a playlist of songs. Sometimes I made a theme (I’m still proud of the April Showers and May Flowers playlists) but more often than not, they were more like a diary of songs that had come my way or caught my ear.
While I think it was awesome, my little mixtape club didn’t really go anywhere. I had friends and family who were active consumers but when it came to expanding, I just had no drive to build it as a brand. If I’m being completely honest, I burned myself out when I challenged myself to publish two lists a month in 2024.
But I still love listening to music and, absent a reason to listen to new things, would happily listen to my 900+ favorite songs on shuffle for the day and a half it would take to hear them all…
As we geared up for this trip, my impulse was to create a playlist again but I have taken down my music blog…but I’m also trying to introduce myself to Substack so here’s a little insight into the music that makes my brain work!
This is a selection from my Playlists newsletter where I publish playlists of songs that have come my way, served to inspire me, or are just a darn good bop. If you subscribe to the World According to Gillian Fletcher, you’ll receive every one of the post in my Expat Files, but if you’re interested there’s more:
My Fiction newsletter will include flash fiction, chapters from my published books and anything that’s too far from the truth to be considered anecdotal
My Odds & Ends newsletter is where I’ll put the things that don’t fit into any of the above but struck me as something about which to write
If you create a free Substack account, you’ll be able to subscribe to all of my different content feeds in addition to latest from the Expat Files (see here for help). If you go one step further and join me on the Substack app, you’ll see notes and fun things like cat pictures pop up!
Thanks for sharing, bud. I'll definitely give this a listen this afternoon.
I'm also trying to figure out how/if I wanna incorporate all the music I've picked up and love from around the globe.