Such a beautiful read from one (like me) whose cars have meant everything including life and death and all moments in between.

I believe I knew Jenny fairly well. And I will never forget you teaching me how to properly use my a/c settings (unless I was smoking…cuz I did that then) to circle the cool air in my truck’s (Green Bean’s) cab.

God speed, Martha!!! May you go on to an owner just as loving as your first.

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Ah, the Green Bean…who I hope has gone on to the big parking lot in the sky! A car is more than a way to get from here to there, it’s your mobile command center!

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Uhm, I love so much about this!! I love reading and hearing your voice telling me these stories (I'm pretty sure it was George I got to ride around in, right?), thinking about the time we took my parents van with no AC to that concert in Ames, & remembering driving over 100mph for the first time in my dad's honda accord on my way to visit you at college! Sending huge hugs, peace on your journey, & gorgeous travel adventures, even without Martha.

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You knew George - if memory serves you also covered him in soap! I remember those trips; so many memories associated with vehicles! The cats cost enough, I can’t imagine the baggage fees for Martha.

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