Excuse my French, but that was fuckin' epic! You, my friend, are one hell of a writer. I feel like I was just taken on a wonderful ride.

Thank you for sharing this with me. 🙏🏼

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I don’t want to know the type of person this wouldn’t resonate with.

No matter your nationality, gender, sexual preference–there’s just so much raw, human expression and experience.

I can’t wait to read more of your writing.

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But have you managed to guess all the labels on bottles correctly in your travels?

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Omg that just reminded about the time I had mites in all my clothes while in Guatemala.

I had to boil big pots of water and throw EVERYTHING I owned in there, along with multiple bottles of borax - roasting those little fuckers into oblivion.

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As a retired laundry professional, I both approve and shudder at that harrowing notion. “Naked mite murder party” would be a great band name…

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As a retired union stagehand, you’ve got no apologies to make to me! Thank you so much for the kind words and very glad it resonated with you!!

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Such a beautiful piece and you should trademark the f*ck out of the saying, "We have repotted ourselves and now have to endure the time it takes to adapt to the soil." You amaze me every day. Be you, always, and yes - I want to remain married TO YOU and I want to us to remain in Europe. Boner moves make for good stories and budding beauty in life.

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We got this.

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Loved this! I totally resonate with your search for contentment…. It’s an inside job. I want you to know that whatever facet you presented, the diamond was not lost on those of us who glimpsed that heart of yours.

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There were people who could get through, without question. The trouble was I never knew what it meant to drop the artifice entirely.

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At 68 I am still learning that to be totally in the moment is the path to knowing your own true nature. It’s a life long endeavor. Artifice is a survival strategy I know well… it’s wisdom at times to use it and, as we grow older we find its no longer useful in the search we yearn for; our authentic self in which we find stillness, contentment and joy.

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So true, and I am content enough to be on the ride. There is always a place for that survival strategy indeed, though for me it was realizing that’s what it was…and recognizing that what helps you survive is not what helps you thrive.

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I love your writing and this glimpse into your adventure. I'm sad for the way you were bullied as a child.

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Thank you - I was sad for a time, but in the end, learning from it helped me find a strength that carried me towards all my dreams!

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Your repotting metaphor 🤌💚

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Only because this is in my camera roll:

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