I’ve read this three times now and I laugh every single time when imagining you standing on a piece of furniture we’ve assembled. I was glad to not be the one sawing for once.
If memory serves, the first time I submitted a foam core model, you asked me if I used my teeth to cut it. I did buy sandpaper for the bathroom cabinet though!
Ah, moving. A weird form of Hell, where life teaches you about your deficiencies. I know it well. There are still some boxes in the garage with uncertain contents--probably stuff I don't need or have already replaced, but who knows? Didn't know you had some dyslexia. Maybe it runs in the family. My own was discovered before there was a word for it; I apparently came running home from first grade one day shouting, "Mom, Mom I can read! K-O-O-L spells look!" It has manifested itself in various ways since: I have mostly gotten over writing b when I meant d, though it occasionally plays hell with a crossword puzzle. But I once constructed the entire ceiling for a model of museum I was designing, only to discover it would only fit if I turned it upside down! Love to you both!
It’s funny the ways a mind works isn’t it? I don’t know that I have dyslexia proper but the way I opt for the one with the x through it does have me questioning my sanity! Having heard the tale of your mother ironing the letters on your Mickey Mouse Club sweater backwards does make me wonder…
Crazy how your writing can have me so enthralled in saws, kitty bowls, and a Dutch bathroom.
Brilliant storytelling, GF!
Thank you sir! I think the moral of the story is that I will keep this handsaw no matter what!
I’ve read this three times now and I laugh every single time when imagining you standing on a piece of furniture we’ve assembled. I was glad to not be the one sawing for once.
Long live Stagecraft 101!!!
If memory serves, the first time I submitted a foam core model, you asked me if I used my teeth to cut it. I did buy sandpaper for the bathroom cabinet though!
Ah, moving. A weird form of Hell, where life teaches you about your deficiencies. I know it well. There are still some boxes in the garage with uncertain contents--probably stuff I don't need or have already replaced, but who knows? Didn't know you had some dyslexia. Maybe it runs in the family. My own was discovered before there was a word for it; I apparently came running home from first grade one day shouting, "Mom, Mom I can read! K-O-O-L spells look!" It has manifested itself in various ways since: I have mostly gotten over writing b when I meant d, though it occasionally plays hell with a crossword puzzle. But I once constructed the entire ceiling for a model of museum I was designing, only to discover it would only fit if I turned it upside down! Love to you both!
It’s funny the ways a mind works isn’t it? I don’t know that I have dyslexia proper but the way I opt for the one with the x through it does have me questioning my sanity! Having heard the tale of your mother ironing the letters on your Mickey Mouse Club sweater backwards does make me wonder…
Wasn't her fault. Dyslexic me set them up. She just didn't catch it amidst five little girls wanting their shirts!
Secrets revealed! 😂
Another masterpiece bringing laughter to my world!